Tech Ex 01
This was a weird but interesting first tech exercise. Nothing too intricate nor too complicated for an intro tech ex.
Tech Ex 02 Green Screen edit
I made the mistake of choosing to do my green screen project first which would have benefited me greatly int terms of fixing the issues with my green screen
Tech ex 03 sound edit
This was the most simple tech exercise, not too much too say other than it felt familiar
This was my favorite tech exercise in terms of uniqueness of the teqnique’s shown. I also did my split screen project before doing this tech ex.
Tech Ex 05
While doing my green screen project i tried to use a mask to get rid of my body leaving only my head and neck. I did not realize that i had to press the play button to have it rendered.
Mini Project 1 Green Screen
I wish i had done the masking and green screen tech ex’s so that i would have better understood the fundamental’s. Still this project taught me the basics of green screen and how to fine tune it.