FIN 247 Unit 2

Unit 2: Memory in Motion


I always yearned to get a really nice glass like long exposure shot of water, it took a few shots to get the hang of using long exposure times. My biggest struggle was getting the lighting down in some spots and the focus is really out of wack with the blackberry leaves, i do need to start cropping to eliviate the issue. My muse for this project was a quote from my favourite book: A River Runs Through It, the quote from the end of the book always spoke to me on a personal level “All things merge into one, and a river runs through it” then the quote from the final line are really powerfull; ” I am burdened by waters”. I find that memory is the one thing that is permient in the everlasting cascade of the water of time, that of which erodes all things, it is our memories and ruminations that makes us special. I often find myself reminiscing upon my 2024 trip to Japan, I brought a film camera along with me for the duration of the trip and found that taking photos helped engrain those moments further into my brain. I felt like i wanted to catpure that essance of remiscince through digital photography, there was an idea of using the postcards as a medium for memory within a photo

Week 5

This week i wanted to lock in my concept for unit two which i want to express the concept of memory which i express through the use of familiar objects to capture a sense of nostalgia through photographs, i had these post cards from a small seaside village that i wanted use a vessel to express the sense of nostalgia through photos of photos which was a rather meta concept.