FIN 247 Unit 1

Week 4:

This was a fun week due to the snow, my subject for this weeks walk through the snow was a miniture harley davidson motorbike. This was my first attemp at photographing an object up close, the photos came out rather well and very detailed, my personal favourite out of the bunch was the one where i put the miniture bike on the foot peg of a real harley davidson.

Skill AreaExploring: I’m experimenting and discovering new aspectsPracticing: I’m applying skills and refining techniquesApplying: I can use these skills independently and with intentionExpanding: I can adapt, innovate, and support othersNotes & Next Steps
1. Camera: Understanding of functions and settings                x     It took two weeks to get a good grasp on how to manage the iso properly to not have my photos come out completely dark and unusable which was an interesting learning process as a whole
2. Photo Project: Concept, setup, shots, revisions/next steps             x  Outside of my food project I did not conceptualize my photo plans, instead I kind of went with the flow of things and improvised on the spot
3. Camera Walks: Deepen competency + confidence                         x  Getting vertigo week 2 was rough because it made it impossible to look at brightspace for any amount of time. Week 3 is when I finally got over my vertigo and also began to get more confident with my shooting as evident in the number of shots I took as I felt much more comfortable with my skillset  
4. LRC: File management, importing, editing, exporting, and posting               x Lightroom was quite simple to pickup and learn as I have spent many years using photoshop as a hobby. Editing was were I found the most enjoyment as I quickly got acustomed to what each slider does to the photo
5. WordPress: Technical updates and content posts           x  I was usually behind on my wordpress posts by a bit, my post are still quite lacking in conent which I will improve upon in unit 2    

Food Project: Remedy And Reminicence


I wanted to use objects from last year as a subject matter, I still have these vitamin c candies i had got from a convinience store from my trip to Japan back in may of last year. These candies were quite helpfull whence i returned home as i was hit with the most mild case of covid ever, i also wanted to use some of my ceramic work from last year as well as somthing to hold the candies in. I started out with a piece of blue paper i used as a blue screen back in 2023 for my video and sound course, it however made the photos quite dark and gave the images a rather unpleasent tone. I felt that the ceramic hands would enchance the focal point of the candies situated with the ceramic bowl, the hands almost beckon the viewer towards the candies which seem almost tantalizing.

I ended up turning the blue sheet of paper around to the opisite side so i could use the white, i also began to experiment with moving my Led Lamp around to create natural looking shadows which i should done more of as the result was quite effective. This was were i used higher iso’s to make up for the increase in light as this was my first time using a light source which was quite a nice change as it made the photos pop. Since i suffered from a 2 week case of vertigo i wanted to use a neti pot as a way to add that sense of displease i felt for 2 whole weeks, using the pot itself was also unpleasent as i loathe getting water up my nose. The pot itself is meant to represent the healing process from the vertigo that set alot of this project back.

I wanted to try using slower shutter speeds to capture flowing water/steam from the hot chocolate, i could not quite get the steam to show up at all which is a problem i will try to find the answer to over reading break.I also started to use Nikon snap bridge so i could pour the water with one hand and use my phone to remotely take the photo without having to press the button. Snap bridge can also adjust the iso,f stop, shutter speed and can be used to remotely view what the camera sees as well as automatically downloading the photos to your phone which is a neat feature.
